Welcome to my website!

I am a computational political scientist, currently serving as a Postdoc at the European Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). I completed my PhD in the International Relations Department at the LSE in 2024.

I am on the academic job market and seeking opportunities in computational political science, IR, and political communication. Please feel free to contact me for further information or to discuss potential opportunities.

Vladimir Putin on Channel One, 2000–2022 

Solo-authored. 2024. Political Communication (open access)

Keywords: Putin, Russia, television, autocracy, autocratic resilience

Grandstanding Instead of Deliberative Policy-making: Parliamentary Questions, Publicness, and Transitional Justice in the Croatian Parliament

with Denisa Kostovicova (LSE). 2024. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (open access)

Key words: parliamentary questions, Croatia, transitional justice, grandstanding, publicness

Methods in Russian Studies: Overview of Top Political Science, Economics, and Area Studies Journals

Solo-authored. 2023. Post-Soviet Affairs (open access) 

How has Russia been studied by political scientists, economists, and scholars in cognate fields who publish in specialized area-specific journals studied Russia? To systematically analyze the approaches employed in Russian studies over the last decade, I collected all publications (1,097 articles) on the country from the top five area studies journals covering the territories of the former USSR, the top 10 journals in political science, and the top five journals in economics from January 2010 to January 2022 and classified them based on the methods they utilized, empirical focus, and sub-fields within method. In this article, I discuss the results of this classification and the pitfalls associated with over-reliance on some methods over others, notably those that include self-reported data, in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the increasingly repressive domestic environment under Putin’s autocracy. I also propose some ways of addressing the new realities of diminished access to data and fieldwork.

Keywords: Russia, Russian Studies, methods, surveys, survey bias, economics, political science

Are Domestic War Crimes Trials Biased? 

with Ivor Sokolić (LSE, Hertfordshire), Denisa Kostovicova (LSE), and Sanja Vico (Exeter, LSE). Forthcoming in Journal of Peace Research

Keywords: domestic war crimes trials, ethnic bias, paramilitaries, Serbia, deniability, human rights violations

Ukraine on Russian Domestic Television: Media Agenda-setting and Distraction, 2009–2019

Solo-authored. Under review

Key words: autocratic resilience, Russia, Ukraine, television, news

Who's Asking Whom? Gendering in Parliamentary Interactions

with Denisa Kostovicova (LSE), Tolga Sinmazdemir (SOAS), and Vesna Popovski (LSE). Under review

Key words: gender, legislature, content analysis, Croatia, interactions

Textual Corpus from Channel One and Interfax

book chapter in Autocracy, Influence, War: Russian Propaganda Today, edited by Paul Goode, Carleton University

Solo-authored. Under review

Key words: Russia, television, news

Text-as-Data Methods to Study Mass-Media Manipulations in Autocracies

Solo-authored. Under review

Key words: Russia, Text-as-Data

Ingroup and Intergroup Effects of Djokovic's Exclusion from 2022 Australia Open

with Denisa Kostovicova (LSE), Tolga Sinmazdemir (SOAS), and Sanja Vico (LSE, Exeter). Work in progress

Key words: athletes, national pride, ethnic identity, unexpected event during survey, text as data, Serbia 

Enemy of Justice? Secrecy in Domestic War Crimes Trials in Serbia

with Denisa Kostovicova (LSE) and Timothy Waters (Indiana University Bloomington). Work in progress

Key words: war crime trials, secrecy, Serbia, optical recognition

Digital Transitional Justice Mobilization in Serbia For and Against Ukraine 

with Denisa Kostovicova (LSE). Work in progress

I Say, You Say: Transitional Justice as a Conversational Practice

a book prospectus with Denisa Kostovicova (LSE) and Ivor Sokolić (Hertfordshire, LSE). Work in progress

Key words: transitional justice, interactions

Blog post about Telegram and its role in protests at Media@LSE. 2021.

Protests in Russia raise questions about the role of new media in democratisation. Available here.